New Detours


In this section of the blog, you will get to explore the world with me and recount everywhere that I have traveled. I will include my own interpretation of events, cultural differences, venues, music, restaurants, touristy and off the beaten-path discoveries, unique experiences and encounters, interactions with new friends along the way, reviews of food, tips on how to travel cheaply, workarounds when in difficult situations, and also, colorful misadventures. Join me and let's take a detour!

East Berlin, Germany: August 1, 2013 to August 4, 2013
East Berlin, Germany: August 1, 2013 to August 4, 2013

August 1, 2013Bloody hell what a day. A three hour trip across the border from the Czech Republic to East Berlin took nine freakin’ hours. Why? Because we received 30 sets of different and contradi...

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Prague, Czech Republic: July 28, 2013 to July 31, 2013
Prague, Czech Republic: July 28, 2013 to July 31, 2013

July 28, 2013Getting to Prague was pretty standard – 13 hours of self-entertainment (watching movies [Side Effects {excellent psychological thriller}, Jack the Giant Killer, and some other one], rea...

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Amsterdam, Netherlands: August 15, 2005
Amsterdam, Netherlands: August 15, 2005

Today I went to the Torture Museum. I was expecting to see more inhumane instruments of torture, but the explanations and pictures of what was there was good, although I do not think it captured the ...

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Amsterdam, Netherlands: August 14, 2005
Amsterdam, Netherlands: August 14, 2005

Today I went to the Palace. Why it is called the Palace I do not know because it is really Amsterdam's Town Hall, a museum in fact. Maybe something got lost in translation or someone was high o...

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Amsterdam, Netherlands: August 13, 2005
Amsterdam, Netherlands: August 13, 2005

I arrived at the hotel in Amsterdam around 5:30 p.m. The guy at the front desk was a total jerk. I was two seconds away from knocking him out. We asked how to get to the metro and he said “walk.â...

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Copenhagen, Denmark: August 13, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark: August 13, 2005

While waiting in the lobby of the hotel in Malmo for a taxi, I met this young woman named Jenny. She is in a Swedish rock band. We took the same taxi and she told me about a blues band she is in to ...

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Copenhagen, Denmark: August 12, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark: August 12, 2005

Interesting place. Although I do not think I was truly able to get a feel for Copenhagen because I was only there for a short time (a day and a half). But, while I was there, I noticed that more peop...

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Stockholm, Sweden: August 16, 2005
Stockholm, Sweden: August 16, 2005

Tonight I saw another music concert. I would not say that it was better than the one I saw while in Amsterdam, just offered something different. The one in Amsterdam was smaller, almost more persona...

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Stockholm, Sweden: August 10, 2005
Stockholm, Sweden: August 10, 2005

Today we went to the Natural Museum. I did not understand the theme to one of the displays/exhibits. It was of fairly modern/traditional things people use in their homes today. The Conceptual Art d...

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Stockholm, Sweden: August 8, 2005
Stockholm, Sweden: August 8, 2005

Today’s highlight was making a random new acquaintance. How corny does that sound? I was walking up a hill on the way back to the hotel (the Clarion) and I saw this boy about 16-18 racing down the h...

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