New Detours

Stockholm, Sweden: August 8, 2005


Stockholm, Sweden: August 8, 2005

Today’s highlight was making a random new acquaintance. How corny does that sound? I was walking up a hill on the way back to the hotel (the Clarion) and I saw this boy about 16-18 racing down the hill on a long board. I took a picture of him squatting trying to enhance aerodynamics and reduce resistance, one of him spinning out/turning to stop like you would a snowboard, and a killer close up of him zooming by. I walked up to him and showed him the pictures and asked him if he had an email in case he wanted me to send the pics to him. He did. His name is Polito and his email is

I introduced myself. He asked me where I was from so I told him California and immediately he got excited and was like “oh long boards are there.” We talked about skating for a bit. Contact! Haha. So, now I can officially say I have a friend in Sweden. Friend may be a slight exaggeration, but acquaintance seems ill-fitting. Good times.

Stockholm, Sweden: August 8, 2005 Stockholm, Sweden: August 8, 2005 Stockholm, Sweden: August 8, 2005 Stockholm, Sweden: August 8, 2005