New Detours

Norco Power House: 6.3.17


Norco Power House: 6.3.17

Norco Power House is yet another one of those hiking/days of exploration adventures where I never took notes on length or precise location. So, like the Nazi Ruins in Murphy's Ranch, this will also be another place I will need to return to in order to provide you guys with accurate information. 

However, what I can tell you, is to get to this Power House, we had to yet again, go through a neighborhood. If you have kept up with the reading this far, the Graffiti Waterfall, Nazi Ruins, and the Power Plant all require one to power through neighborhoods in order to reach the final destinations. Anyway, the Power Plant was behind the neighborhood in this opened up area where the focal point was certainly the Power House. The surrounding area was dead and golden yellow, which stood in stark contrast to the colorful graffiti on the building. The lighting inside the Power House provided a certain level of drama to the building. We hung out and I climbed around for about an hour. If you aren't afraid of heights, I recommend using the rungs on the side of the building and head up to the roof. Interesting perspective up there when viewing into the building itself.

As always, keep taking those detours!

Norco Power House: 6.3.17 Norco Power House: 6.3.17 Norco Power House: 6.3.17 Norco Power House: 6.3.17 Norco Power House: 6.3.17