New Detours

Graffiti Waterfall: 2.4.17

Hiking | Travel

Graffiti Waterfall: 2.4.17

This hike isn't even a mile and is more of a slow, leisurely "hey look there's stuff" sort of hike. The allure is that this interface between natural and urban art is: 1) It is on private property (on which, there are no signs stating that any legal action will be taken should people trespass. This in part is confusing because it is very obviously on private land, but, hikers and urban art junkies alike are generally respectful and are not disruptive to the neighboring residents nor are they destructive) and 2) it is pretty isolated in the epicenter of a neighborhood's backyard. 

When you get to the general area, you will park in a neighborhood, typical of Riverside County (i.e., two story houses that are not sitting on top of one another and maintain some privacy). There is a small unobtrusive, easy to miss dirt path that sits between two houses. This is the path you will follow for the remainder of the trip. The first part of the walk is nothing to write home about. Then, then it opens up into a giant unobstructed, gorgeous, emerald green rolling hills. Before I continue, I must note, this visual was such because at the time of this hike, it was early February and we got some early Spring rain that year. Anyway, this view is pretty spectacular in and of itself especially for being hidden in a neighborhood. 

As you continue, you will see the Earth open up and drop. Visually, it looked like a hell mouth because of the way it just opened up, but, it was a brilliant green, which, is not very hell-like. As you walk closer, you will be walking on the top of the waterfall area and can look down into the pit and see that the entire rock face is covered in graffiti and not the bullshit tagging crap, but actual well thought out, detail oriented, thoughtful mural-esque sociopolitical critiques. There is a path you can take that will escort you to the bottom of the water fall. Nothing special to see here as far as waterfalls are concerned, but, the focus of this hike, really is the interfacing between urban art and nature. It is enjoying this space of intersection and of familiar seclusion.    

Keep taking those detours!

Graffiti Waterfall: 2.4.17 Graffiti Waterfall: 2.4.17 Graffiti Waterfall: 2.4.17 Graffiti Waterfall: 2.4.17 Graffiti Waterfall: 2.4.17 Graffiti Waterfall: 2.4.17 Graffiti Waterfall: 2.4.17 Graffiti Waterfall: 2.4.17