New Detours

Fire & Ice Roller

Equipment Review | Fitness

I originally came across this Fire & Ice Roller on Kickstarter in 2017. I was intrigued by the duality and the then, functionality of the product, because I find anything that can save time or is multifunctional exceptional. As the name alludes to, this roller allows the user to choose their method of temperature-based rolling. Should one feel like an ice rolling is what they need, the top or bottom can be screwed off (it does not matter because both the top and the bottom of the device can screw off). Because the roller is metal, only a top full of ice is needed for a cold roll. Naturally, you can fill up the roller o your desired ice-filled temperature. Similarly, hot water can be poured into the unit if one desires a hot roll. I heat up one cup of water in the microwave for two minutes. This is sufficient for me. It is incredibly hot. 

I really like this item. It does as described, which, I am actually finding is a rarity more often than not. Two of my biggest turn offs from this product is that the top and bottom do not easily screw back on the unit. If the grooves are not aligned perfectly, it can take a few attempts to screw the top and bottom back on. However, that aside, once screwed on tightly, no liquid from melting ice or hot water leaks out. The second qualm that I have with this item is that because it is some derivative of metal, i is incredibly unforgiving and hard, which, depending on the injury and the amount of weight one puts on the unit, which again can be difficult to balance and apply appropriate pressure if injured, it can be painful. There is no forgiveness, bending, or the like. I even went as far as contacting the original creator and expressed my concern that there is no cushion and rolling actually becomes painful. The creator was nice enough and said that he will take the concern into consideration for another version. 

No new version incorporating a softer roller has been made by this company. If you would like to purchase this item, you can here