New Detours

Dunham Loop Trail: 9.13.20


Dunham Loop Trail: 9.13.20

Dunham Loop Trail is a 3 mile hike. Incredibly easy. It is more of a continuous stroll, actually. Anyway, this stroll was completed about a week after California's peak fire season. Surprisingly, it was much easier to breath than the pictures suggest. However, the fires, smoke, haze, and early morning glow of the rising sun did provide a dramatic backdrop for the hot air balloons that morning. Seeing the faint outlines of the balloons whose details were obscured by the haze create an eerie setting that seemed similar to what I imagine, in part, a war torn state may look like; aerial debris causing distortions, ominous light causing distortions, incinerated hopes and dreams causing distortions. I was obsessed with these shots the entire walk. This is what the hike became for me, exploring the distortions.

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Dunham Loop Trail: 9.13.20 Dunham Loop Trail: 9.13.20 Dunham Loop Trail: 9.13.20