New Detours

Devil's Bunch Bowl: 2.16.19

Hike | Travel

Devil's Bunch Bowl: 2.16.19

Devil's Punch Bowl is marked as a 6 mile, strenuous hike. Six miles it is, strenuous it is not. Well, that is a partial truth perhaps. It depends, really, on one's preference to uphill or down hill treks and then the associated tolerance of said uphill or downhill trek. I find going down hill significantly easier and preferable compared to steep climbs. This hike played into this preference just by happenstance. The loop begins downhill and on the return trek it follows the same path, but is now uphill.

This hike was done in the Spring so the rolling hills of San Diego were emerald green, almost to the point of glowing. This, when contrasted with the deep blue sky and the pure white clouds made for a scene that could have easily been crafted by Hollywood. If you do this hike during the Spring, you may encounter as we did, that part of the trail got washed out. Sure, you can wade through the water, but, depends on the temperature of the water and the speed. The day we went it was definitely hot enough to find the water refreshing, however, it was moving faster than was safe for us to cross. 

I plan to return at someone point a different part of the year to complete the full trail. Til then, keep taking detours!

Devil's Bunch Bowl: 2.16.19 Devil's Bunch Bowl: 2.16.19