New Detours

Caspers National Forest: 1.9.16


Caspers National Forest: 1.9.16

I only hiked a small portion of this loop due to heat as well as time restraints. That notwithstanding, the hike was beautiful. There was ample shade due to large tree covered groves. The trunks of the trees were contorted, thick, and wandered aimlessly. They begged to be climbed on. So, I did. Strong, stable, branches reached high towards the sky and supported my weight. Easy to ascend. Easy to descend. And, easy to love. Between the accidental light that sneaks between the branches, the shadows challenging for a stake at life, the wind changing the rules of engagement for both parties by moving the lines and safeties, and the damp, but still solid ground emitting rich reminders of what it took to create this environment, this moment that I was sharing not only with life and the Earth, but more importantly, my hiking buddy that day. Although I fully recognize the oddity of writing about a hike without really writing about the hike in terms of do's and don'ts, but rather writing about a very specific experience in hopes that someone may find their own moment in a such a uniquely simple, delicate, and unassuming place. 

Keep exploring and always take that detour!

Caspers National Forest: 1.9.16 Caspers National Forest: 1.9.16 Caspers National Forest: 1.9.16