New Detours

Amsterdam, Netherlands: August 14, 2005


Amsterdam, Netherlands: August 14, 2005

Today I went to the Palace. Why it is called the Palace I do not know because it is really Amsterdam's Town Hall, a museum in fact. Maybe something got lost in translation or someone was high on weed since that and shrooms are accessible. User's choice over here. The stench of weed is so thick. I remember thinking to myself ‘k seriously pot heads I just want to breathe.’

After the museum, I went to the Vincent Van Gogh Museum. Amazing. I knew that he was prosperous, but the museum's collection puts into perspective how much he accomplished. Way more than I was aware of. There were sketches, paintings that marked his artistic development and steady emotional decline, and a biography that described his life as an artist (development), connections with people, and his increase in psychotic symptoms (paranoia, hallucinations, depression) before finally committing suicide by shooting himself in the chest.

I walked through the Red Light District with a male family member. So unreal. It was like something out of a movie. The women were wearing bras, underwear, and other shorter clothing of various allurement while posing in windows with the red lights being the cause of their silhouettes just waiting to be chosen by horny men. By description it sounds like legalized prostitution and a sleazy way to live. In actuality, it is run exactly like any other business. The women are required to be tested for diseases, they use protection, and take further precautions. This process is definitely culturally based since Europeans view sexuality in a healthier light than Americans. Combined with their sexual ideology, socialistic views, and perhaps enlightened thinking, they designate an alley to obtain sexual pleasure. I am sure this cuts down if not completely eliminates sex related crimes. Smart. My family member was telling me how the girls are more conservative now than they were over a decade ago because they are actually wearing things that resemble clothing...he's like “so how was it?” Confused, I responded with “fine, ok, super?” What I was thinking was “what, do you want me to get a lap dance to get the “'full experience' or something?” haha. I said nothing.

This evening Dad and I saw “The Island”. The theater was enormous-totally surpasses those of the U.S. I give them major props.

Amsterdam, Netherlands: August 14, 2005 Amsterdam, Netherlands: August 14, 2005